The Switch.

Jan 3, 2014

For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap.

But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously reconsider, and eventually gave a chance to another villain to lure me in: Google.

And boy, does it feel good!

That new Nexus 5 is refreshing. It works really well, does the job I need and want it to do (albeit slightly differently), and all of that for less than half the price I would have accepted for an iPhone!

After 2 weeks of goofing around, I would now freely suggest you give the Nexus 5 a shot, and make sure to leave all of your clutter behind!

How did I proceed? More on that, tomorrow!

De Ganstarapper Bandana (*sarcasm on)

De Ganstarapper Bandana (*sarcasm on)

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