BeatRoute bluetooth speakers

Nov 8, 2010

It’s been a while again, and before posting a missing rant on representing your organisation, I thought I’d give you an insight into a few ingenious products I came accross and have started using frequently.

The series begins with these rather stylish speakers for my new iPhone 4 (for which, I need not rant ;)), and their incredible price/quality ratio. But let us not jump ahead!

It’s been a while now that I’ve been looking for a solution to listening to music on the go -mobile you might say – and I’ve had tries with several versions. A Philips and a Sony Alarm/Dock/Charger, several mini-speakers in ball-shape, and of course a wide selection of headphones (in-ear, on-ear, even a large wireless version). None of them however ended up being used frequently, they were mostly cumbersome to move, and most of the time not that effective with my iPhone…

Then my friend directed me towards this bluetooth speakerset, and although the site seems to be limited in products, I thought I’d give it a try…89$ won’t be the end of my quest ;). It took a while for them to get to me, but that happens to me pretty much anytime I order from the states. But all in all, the delivery was fine!

As I opened it, I started getting an idea of what had gone wrong in my head. They’re small! Well, IT’s small really, as it is just the one block, but with 2 speakers in it, but I had thought it was just going to be another chunk of a block really, as my friend had told me this was a solid music experience… interesting start.

I then tried to switch it on, inserted batteries and pressed the powerbutton, but to no avail? I removed the batteries, and plugged it to the wall, but again, no response… damn, I thought. So I did something I usually don’t do, and took the instructions manual (all in all, 12 pages only, less than most IKEA manuals!), and it took me 5 seconds to come accross a “hold the power for 3 seconds”. And then it worked. Nice! Simple and Nice!

Now to the phone, all the instructions said was that it was in pairing mode right away. But it didn’t mention any other complicated process or passcodes, so I went on to switch on my bluetooth. The speaker beeped, the phone connected. Done. Done? Wow, that had taken me less than 2 minutes! So I felt adventurous, and just clicked play on my iPhone, and there it was, a nice full sound, no hassle, just some nice Black Keysswell!

I haven’t tried phoning anyone yet, just because I want to enjoy the music a little longer. It’s so easy, my phone is being charged on my bedstand, the speaker is next to my computer, and the music just plays with no interference, and all this at a very decent quality! I am assuming the phone-feature will be just as neat, so if anyone wants to give it a try, just give me a ring ;), until then, you may assume this is a great product!

My rating: 4 out of 5, meets expectations and above

Suggestions for Coming next: iRoomba, the annoying little helper – MTM Falcon, the “wow” Blackhawk – the iPad. (that’s a full stop)

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