Representing your organisation is a 24/7 job!
As you're reading this, there is for the purposes of this article only 2 possible situations. You work for a company that does outside representation, or you don't... (work; work for a company; work in a company that provides services or products or both). But whether...
BeatRoute bluetooth speakers
It's been a while again, and before posting a missing rant on representing your organisation, I thought I'd give you an insight into a few ingenious products I came accross and have started using frequently. The series begins with these rather stylish speakers for my...
... to the website of Jean-Claude Bisenius, marketing professional based in Luxembourg. This website will provide you with a snapshot of my educational and professional career, and give you insights into the areas that I take an interest in. Should you wish to contact...
With a rather diversified educational and professional experience, I have come to learn what I am good at, and what others are better at. Thanks to a lot of good guidance over the years, I have come to learn that it is not only best to work with experts, I have come...
Twitter could be (so) useful
As you, loyal reader, might already know, traffic conditions in and around Luxembourg can be pretty bad. We do have radio stations that on a regular basis list a few issues, but they're not always "up-to-speed"... Same goes for those apps that use the public network...
Hornbach: aggressive behaviour, and hardly any service – 1/5 stars
In my recent posts on Batiself, I got into poor customer service of a "home-depot-style" shop. My posts on Cultural Distance touched on the difference between cultures and how they affect perceptions, and my post on Paradigm Shifts tried to highlight a change in...
SLAM!1: Informatioun ass Muescht
Wéi der et bestëmmt scho wësst, gëtt dëst Zäitalter och nach d’Zäitalter vun der Informatioun genannt. Mee waat heescht dat? Grosso Moddo heescht dat, datt een haut vill méi einfach accès op Informatiounen kann hunn, datt een souguer een Iwwerfloss un Informatiounen...
Switching from iOS to Android – in this particular case, from an iPhone 4s to a Nexus 5.
So you're considering switching? From one giant to another? Well, it need not be an insurmountable task if you take some time to think it through. The following is not a guide on how to do it, but will hopefully give you an overview on what to think about before...
The Switch.
For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...
Recently ago, I started listing to the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And when I say "started", I mean listened to the foreword by the author some 15 years down the road from the book's first publishing date. And besides an awefully rubbish point he made, 2...
SLAM!1: Informatioun ass Muescht
Wéi der et bestëmmt scho wësst, gëtt dëst Zäitalter och nach d’Zäitalter vun der Informatioun genannt. Mee waat heescht dat? Grosso Moddo heescht dat, datt een haut vill méi einfach accès op Informatiounen kann hunn, datt een souguer een Iwwerfloss un Informatiounen...
Switching from iOS to Android – in this particular case, from an iPhone 4s to a Nexus 5.
So you're considering switching? From one giant to another? Well, it need not be an insurmountable task if you take some time to think it through. The following is not a guide on how to do it, but will hopefully give you an overview on what to think about before...
The Switch.
For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...
Recently ago, I started listing to the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And when I say "started", I mean listened to the foreword by the author some 15 years down the road from the book's first publishing date. And besides an awefully rubbish point he made, 2...
Den Internet an d’Angscht
Et kënnt mer fir, wéi wann ech als Kand spéid Owes bei Lagerfeier ganz oft sou Schauermärecher erzielt kritt hätt, vun Zäiten, wou nach keng 97% vun de Leit am Land Internet haten, wou nach net all Zëmmer seng eegen Televisioun hat, wou am Platz vun engem...
Fréier war alles besser
An dann déi Jugend vun haut?! - Wat huet dat mech am Lycée generft, wann een dat zu mer sot! Mä wéi kann et da sinn, datt haut vill nei Aler genau déi selwecht Säz op der Zong leien hunn? Als jonk Persoun baut ee sech Referenzen op, an ee Kader an deem ee sech...
Den Internet an d’Angscht
Et kënnt mer fir, wéi wann ech als Kand spéid Owes bei Lagerfeier ganz oft sou Schauermärecher erzielt kritt hätt, vun Zäiten, wou nach keng 97% vun de Leit am Land Internet haten, wou nach net all Zëmmer seng eegen Televisioun hat, wou am Platz vun engem...
Fréier war alles besser
An dann déi Jugend vun haut?! - Wat huet dat mech am Lycée generft, wann een dat zu mer sot! Mä wéi kann et da sinn, datt haut vill nei Aler genau déi selwecht Säz op der Zong leien hunn? Als jonk Persoun baut ee sech Referenzen op, an ee Kader an deem ee sech...
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