Nature’s raw power and beauty

In August, the night sky ignited for nearly two hours, a dazzling spectacle of countless lightning flashes illuminating the darkness. It was one of the most awe-inspiring moments I've ever shared with my friend, the sky, a breathtaking display of nature's raw power...

Serra da Estrela

My children’s grandfather hails from a quaint village nestled near Seia, cradled within the majestic embrace of the Serra da Estrela mountains. May the images I share below capture the breathtaking beauty of this enchanting land, revealing its splendor to your heart....

Wëssen a gleewen ass zweeërlee

Op de Risiko hi mech schonn nees ze widderhuelen: Informatioun ass Muecht! An dat sollt ëmsou méi jidderengem bewosst gi sinn di lescht Wochen a Méint duerch alles wat d’Mënschheet huet mussen erliewen a gesinn. Duerch meng Aarbecht, hunn ech d’Chance bei vill flotte...

Des Carte Blanche huet näischt mam Referendum ze dinn!

Et geet wéi ëmmer em di Jonk, em Informatioun an am Allgemengen em Manipulatioun. E beschen sou wéi bei engem Referendum. Oops… lo geet et awer schonn nees em dee Referendum. Mee wéi ass dat nëmmen dat nach ëmmer, egal wou Diskussioun grad ass, et ganz heefeg sech tôt...

Den Internet an d’Angscht

Et kënnt mer fir, wéi wann ech als Kand spéid Owes bei Lagerfeier ganz oft sou Schauermärecher erzielt kritt hätt, vun Zäiten, wou nach keng 97% vun de Leit am Land Internet haten, wou nach net all Zëmmer seng eegen Televisioun hat, wou am Platz vun engem...

Fréier war alles besser

An dann déi Jugend vun haut?! - Wat huet dat mech am Lycée generft, wann een dat zu mer sot! Mä wéi kann et da sinn, datt haut vill nei Aler genau déi selwecht Säz op der Zong leien hunn? Als jonk Persoun baut ee sech Referenzen op, an ee Kader an deem ee sech...

Iwwer Medien a Virurteeler

Als fläissegen Nolauschterer vun dëser Carte Blanche wësst Dir jo sécherlech entretemps, datt Informatioun Muecht ass. Dir wësst och, datt Informatioun ka gefälscht sinn. An dir wësst, datt Informatioune kënne géint Iech benotzt ginn. Mee ab wéi engem Punkt gëtt et...

Informatioun ass Muecht

Dës Serie hunn ech viru 7 Méint ugefaang mat engem vun den Themen, déi mir am stäerksten um Häerz leien, déi Jonk an hir Recht op Informatioun. An deem Sënn hunn ech probéiert, d'Iwwerleeung z'encouragéieren, datt jonk Leit, déi gutt Informatiounen hunn, vill besser...

D’Kultur vum Recht

Eigentlech muss ech soen dat ech wierklech frou sinn dës Carte Blanchen dierfen ze maachen. Well dës gi mer ëmmer nees d’Méiglechkeet, e bësschen Distanz zum Alldag ze huelen, a mech mat Saachen auserneenzesetzen déi mech beschäftegen. Leider awer sinn et meeschtens...

Representing your organisation is a 24/7 job!

As you're reading this, there is for the purposes of this article only 2 possible situations. You work for a company that does outside representation, or you don't... (work; work for a company; work in a company that provides services or products or both). But whether...

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BeatRoute bluetooth speakers

It's been a while again, and before posting a missing rant on representing your organisation, I thought I'd give you an insight into a few ingenious products I came accross and have started using frequently. The series begins with these rather stylish speakers for my...

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Twitter could be (so) useful

Twitter could be (so) useful

As you, loyal reader, might already know, traffic conditions in and around Luxembourg can be pretty bad. We do have radio stations that on a regular basis list a few issues, but they're not always "up-to-speed"... Same goes for those apps that use the public network...

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The Switch.

The Switch.

For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...



Recently ago, I started listing to the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And when I say "started", I mean listened to the foreword by the author some 15 years down the road from the book's first publishing date. And besides an awefully rubbish point he made, 2...

The Switch.

The Switch.

For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...



Recently ago, I started listing to the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And when I say "started", I mean listened to the foreword by the author some 15 years down the road from the book's first publishing date. And besides an awefully rubbish point he made, 2...

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Philips Hue @ Amazon