
Sep 2, 2010

… to the website of Jean-Claude Bisenius, marketing professional based in Luxembourg.

This website will provide you with a snapshot of my educational and professional career, and give you insights into the areas that I take an interest in.

Should you wish to contact me, you can do so through the following options.

The moon – small sample of pictures

The moon – small sample of pictures

This is a small sample of pictures I've taken over the past 2 years with my EOS 30D. For a beginner like me, it took ages to find ways to take pictures I was happy with, they all required a tripod, a lot of tries, and a nag to not just yet go home, even when it's...

Marketing presentation at a local cinema, 3/5 stars

The other night, I had been invited to a short notice presentation of a rather new cinema as a channel for our marketing messages. As this coincided with a larger project I am working on, I registered my colleague and myself for the presentation and was already...

Wallstreet Journal has great customer care – 5/5 stars

As some of you might remember, I have in the past already praised the customer service team of the Wallstreet Journal, but they continue to positively surprise me! Since my change of address, the delivery didn't reach me twice (this would be a negative point, I know...

Permission marketing & Facebook

As many of you out there, I have also given in to the magic of Facebook,where you can meet old friends and make new ones, all the while filling your mind with sometimes useless bits of information that allow you to better grasp the thoughts, issues and ideas of people...