
De Ganstarapper Bandana (*sarcasm on)

De Ganstarapper Bandana (*sarcasm on)

Rezentesten Informatiounen no, handelt et sech beim Gangstarapper Bandana guer net em deen éischte Gangstarapper vu Lëtzebuerg, mee em ee Sondage deen TNS-Ilres zesumme mat der Uni Lëtzebuerg fir d'Police Lëtzebuerg gemaach huet! Méi genau handelt et sech em eng nei...

The Switch.

The Switch.

For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...

Representing your organisation is a 24/7 job!

As you're reading this, there is for the purposes of this article only 2 possible situations. You work for a company that does outside representation, or you don't... (work; work for a company; work in a company that provides services or products or both). But whether...

BeatRoute bluetooth speakers

It's been a while again, and before posting a missing rant on representing your organisation, I thought I'd give you an insight into a few ingenious products I came accross and have started using frequently. The series begins with these rather stylish speakers for my...

Hornbach: aggressive behaviour, and hardly any service – 1/5 stars

In my recent posts on Batiself, I got into poor customer service of a "home-depot-style" shop. My posts on Cultural Distance touched on the difference between cultures and how they affect perceptions, and my post on Paradigm Shifts tried to highlight a change in...

Batiself, hello?? – 2/5 stars

In order to simplify my parents' lives, I decided to investigate options for locks to the house that required only 1 key, rather than several different ones. That is when I decided to call several shops I thought would be able to help, one of them being a chain of...

Flying with Luxair, not a good experience – 1/5 stars

So, I've had the "great pleasure" of kicking my well deserved holidays off with a bad case of the flu, maybe even the famous one. Ever since friday night/saturday morning, I've been very feverish, dizzy, coughing and feeling as "wimpy" as men do that catch a virus. As...

Beefbar Luxembourg, wasabi ice-cream? – 2/5 stars

As you may have noticed by now, I do enjoy going to the restaurant - a lot! This is not so much because I don't like cooking (I do!), but more to relax and enjoy a fine moment in good company. This is of course not all too well for my financial situation and for my...

Passage Fitness / Fitness First – 2/5 stars

My experience with Gyms has been what is commonly known as a love/hate relationship! I remember signing up to Fitness First, just as with Ross and Chandler with a gorgeous young lady, only in Tottenham High Road, and then not go to the gym for nearly a year. I then...