
D’Kultur vum Recht

D’Kultur vum Recht

Eigentlech muss ech soen dat ech wierklech frou sinn dës Carte Blanchen dierfen ze maachen. Well dës gi mer ëmmer nees d’Méiglechkeet, e bësschen Distanz zum Alldag ze huelen, a mech mat Saachen auserneenzesetzen déi mech beschäftegen. Leider awer sinn et meeschtens...

Rassismus am Alldag a Xenophobie – Eng Gefor fir déi Jonk

Rassismus am Alldag a Xenophobie – Eng Gefor fir déi Jonk

Lëtzebuergesch, wat hunn ech di Sprooch sou gär. Vu klengem un a bis haut, ass a bleift et déi Sprooch op déi ech am léifsten an am einfachsten zeréckfalen fir mech auszedrécken. A wa Leit mer soen dat Lëtzebuergesch jo eigentlech net wierklech eng Sprooch wier, mee...

SLAM!1: Informatioun ass Muescht

SLAM!1: Informatioun ass Muescht

Wéi der et bestëmmt scho wësst, gëtt dëst Zäitalter och nach d’Zäitalter vun der Informatioun genannt. Mee waat heescht dat? Grosso Moddo heescht dat, datt een haut vill méi einfach accès op Informatiounen kann hunn, datt een souguer een Iwwerfloss un Informatiounen...

The Switch.

The Switch.

For some reason, it always dawned on me that Apple would become a monopolistic leader of the smartphonemarket, and would always keep me roped in as I had fallen for the iTunes and App Store honeytrap. But poor developments for the iPhone 5 and 5s/c made me seriously...



Recently ago, I started listing to the the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And when I say "started", I mean listened to the foreword by the author some 15 years down the road from the book's first publishing date. And besides an awefully rubbish point he made, 2...

Google Custom Search and WordPress

Google Custom Search and WordPress

For a more technical turn on this blog, I thought I'd give you a few pointers as to how I managed to get GCS to work on my current project. First, have you created your search engine yet? Make sure to think thoroughly on which sites you want to add to which search...

Oh Ubuntu, you are my favorite linux-based OS…

Oh Ubuntu, you are my favorite linux-based OS…

...but boy, your Cloud (Ubuntu One) and Music (Ubuntu One Music & Ubuntu One Music App) connectivity smells! This is a rant, and my first on Ubuntu, so unless you want to blow off some pressure, this won't be your favorite post ;). Whilst the title is a quote...

Representing your organisation is a 24/7 job!

As you're reading this, there is for the purposes of this article only 2 possible situations. You work for a company that does outside representation, or you don't... (work; work for a company; work in a company that provides services or products or both). But whether...

BeatRoute bluetooth speakers

It's been a while again, and before posting a missing rant on representing your organisation, I thought I'd give you an insight into a few ingenious products I came accross and have started using frequently. The series begins with these rather stylish speakers for my...